Degree Recognition
In order to apply for the recognition of master’s and doctoral degrees conferred by a foreign higher education institution, it is necessary to gather all the required documents (listed here) and send them through the Brazilian Ministry of Education’s Carolina Bori platform (
Each document must be sent in a single .PDF file and named according to the established order in the list (i.e. 1. Ficha de Inscrição.pdf; 2. Comprovante Residência.pdf; and so on). Applications that do not follow these instructions will not be considered.
Download the application form here.
After submitting the documents, PROPG has 30 days to review the application. If approved, the applicant must pay a fee (GRU) following the instructions provided here. The proof of payment must then be sent through the Carolina Bori Platform, at the appropriate time, in order to complete the application.
Access the Carolina Bori Platform user manual for further instructions.
If you have questions that cannot be answered by the Platform, contact the MEC team directly at or at 0800-616161 (+55 800-616161). You can also contact our office at or at +55 48 3721-2907.
Applications will be reviewed by PROPG staff on a first-come, first-served basis.
As stated in Article 1 of the Normative Ordinance No. 2/2021/PROPG, of 30 April 2021, which provides for the minimum period of stay abroad, necessary for recognition of a foreign degree:
1º Estabelecer que, nos processos de reconhecimento de diploma de pós-graduação stricto sensu expedido por instituição de ensino superior estrangeira, o tempo mínimo de permanência no exterior, necessário para caracterizar a realização de curso presencial, é de 6 (seis) meses.
Parágrafo único. A permanência no exterior deverá ser de modo contínuo para o desenvolvimento de atividades presenciais na instituição de ensino superior estrangeira.
[1. Establish that, in the processes of recognition of a graduate degree issued by a foreign higher education institution, the minimum period of stay abroad, necessary to characterize the completion of an in-person degree program, is 6 (six) months.
Sole paragraph. The stay abroad must be continuous for the development of in-person activities at the foreign higher education institution.]
Applications that do not meet this requirement will not be considered.
- Normative Resolution no.1/2023/PROPG, of 9 November 2023 – establishes the exemption from fees for the recognition of foreign graduate degrees for refugees and individuals in situations of economic hardship and vulnerability residing in the State of Santa Catarina.
- Resolution no. 1, of 25 July 2022 (MEC) – establishes the national rules for the recognition of undergraduate and graduate degrees issued by foreign higher education institutions.
- Normative Ordinance no. 2/2021/PROPG of 30 April 2021– establishes the minimum length of stay abroad, necessary for the recognition of a foreign degree.
- Normative Resolution no. 42/CPG/2018 of 1 November 2018 – regulates the recognition of graduate degrees issued by foreign higher education institutions.
- Normative Resolution no. 19/2017/CC of 14 December 2017 – establishes the fees for extraodinary educational services.
- Resolution no. 228/CNJ/2016, of 22 June 2016 – regulates the application, within the Judiciary’s scope, of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, held in The Hague, in 5 October 1961 (Apostille Convention).
- List of states that are party to the Apostille Convention.
- Carolina Bori Platform User Manual
For further information, contact our office at or at +55 48 3721-7280.